Wednesday, June 24, 2015

New painting "Serene" 20" x 16"

Wow! It's been a long time since I've posted anything. My goal is to change that and post more often.  I have things to say and they just roll around in my head, keeping me up at night so maybe typing it up here will be good for me and hopefully you too. 

For today, I just wanted to post my latest painting, "Serene". The model for this painting was so good at posing during the photo shoot that I let her run the show, sort of. She had so many ideas and didn't need me to tell her anything, she just struck a pose.

This painting was one of those that just flowed and I enjoyed every minute of it. I was excited every day to work on it. I believe that if you don't love what your painting, then you probably won't love the final result even if it's done technically well. Joy will come through in your artwork. 

I'm currently working on a very large commission of a horse and rider.  I hope to post that soon. 

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