Monday, October 31, 2011

Eggplant and Apples

I sure wish eggplant tasted as good as it looks! I really can't like eggplants but I've wanted to paint one for a long time. So, I went down to the Fayetteville Farmer's Market and bought the eggplant and flowers and got right to it. I'm really happy with this painting. I think the colors go together well and I will definitely paint eggplants again. This painting is 12"x 6". Click here to buy or visit my website.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Art Biz'

I recently had the opportunity to communicate through email with Moshe Mikanovsky, a great artist and someone who enjoys learning and teaching the business of art through his blog. I highly recommend you check it out if your an artist who struggles with the technology aspect of the business. If you're like me you want to be in the studio painting, not trying to figure out how to add gadgets or learning SEO or social media. He can help and he's really, really nice too:)